Total Ministry

team-photo-11-13-181.jpgWe are a Total Ministry Church. This new approach to church leadership arises from two situations: the baptismal understanding that we are all ministers and the cultural reality of small congregations that can no longer afford to pay a seminary-trained priest.

In a Total Ministry Church, the congregation raises up a team of leaders from within their own ranks, and then hires a seminary-trained priest to mentor and train the team. This training usually takes four years. When the team is commissioned and one or more members are ordained, they take over the role formerly filled by a priest. Each team member works no more that ten hours a week. They are paid expenses only and they continue to be supervised by a seminary-trained priest, who works for the congregation on a very part-time basis.

Each person on the Total Ministry Team is responsible for one or two functions that used to be done by the pastor:

  • The Reverend Lynn Naeckel is our priest and sacramentalist, celebrating Eucharist and preaching and presiding at baptisms, funerals, and marriages.
  • The Reverend Samantha Crossley is our priest and sacramentalist, celebrating Eucharist and preaching and presiding at baptisms, funerals, and marriages.
  • The Reverend Leland H. Grim is our vocational deacon who assists at the Eucharist, and is also responsible for outreach and/or evangelism.
  • The Reverend Melanie Mattsen is our vocational deacon who assists at the Eucharist, and is also responsible for outreach and/or evangelism.
  • Georgeann Wright is our liturgist who leads the liturgy committee, schedules the services and the service participants, and plans all special services.
  • Georgeann Wright also attends to the needs of congregational members who require pastoral care.

Key to the success of Total Ministry is the involvement of everyone in the congregation. Team members encourage, train and send forth members of the congregation to do the ministry of the church. Eventually additional teams are called forth to augment and/or replace the original team.